Will you help me (and maybe you?) chase the winter blues away?
Sep 01, 2022
by Anne O'Connor
Hey, will you click on a link and fill out a winter-getaway survey for me?.
It's September 1--the beginning of winter, basically. 🤣 I'll just put this right here:
I want you to know that I have become a pro at winter acceptance. Even, I dare say, at winter appreciation and all the way through to winter love.
I used to be such a whiner about this thing that comes for--quite literally--most of the year in the Midwest. We can argue later about when winter actually starts and ends, but suffice to say that it had been an endurance exercise for me for many years.
And then, slowly and also all at once, things changed. I mean, I'd like to tell you that it was all me and my conscious mind and a healthy decision I made. Part of that's true--I distinctly remember my brilliant friend Kate posting on her Facebook page: "Lamenting the weather is like lamenting the existence of prime numbers."
I thought, "Kate is right, as usual."
Again, we can argue later about the influence of prime numbers in our lives versus that of freezing nose hairs mid-January, but I took her point. This was almost a decade ago, and I did decide to have a better attitude and maybe even get to welcoming the bone-chilling winds. I recommitted to getting out in the stuff every day: a crucial element for my winter-thriving strategy.
Also, though, I went through menopause and my entire body's thermal-regulatory system changed forever. That probably helped too--I'm rarely cold anymore. So, you know, easier to change your mindset when you're not freezing all the time.
Anyway, I like winter now. I like walking outside in snowstorms, I like the bracing air, I like the gentle flakes, I like the ice to skate on, I like sledding down hills, I like the cozy sweaters and barley stews. It's one of so many transformation things I've had to do, you all. You can see part of this particular transformation process here.
I recognize that my winter-appreciation mindset might not resonate with you, but note the transformation of something hard into something awesome. In my courses, I teach this particular transformation to people who--like me--once lamented the weather and tucked away instead of going into it. And other highly useful transformations that have nothing to do with icy eyebrows.
Having said all that, here's another part of my healthy winter strategy: to leave mid-winter. 🤣 It's amazing what stepping out of the cold and into a warm place for just a bit can do for my spirit, my mood, my ability to go back and finish off winter with good energy.
Also, leaving mid-winter is part of an overall, incredibly-effective strategy that I use for life in general: Creating something to look forward to. We can laugh and get through a lot of nonsense--like slipping on the ice and having bruises--if we have something to look forward to.
Here's what I'm up to. This January, in a warm and wonderful place, I will lead a group of smart, successful women leaders in a deep dive into how to prioritize wellness. Sometimes, the most accomplished and giving woman can neglect her own wellness. This is the beginning of the remedy: Think beaches and sunshine, fresh, clean food, movement, beauty, body work and heart opening. It's going to be so good.
I know that many of you already head to warmer climes come mid-winter. It's great to do that with friends and family. But what I'm envisioning is a retreat for you: no one to take care of, nothing to plan, no need to figure anything out--just show up, be wonderfully cared for, and be led through a simple and engaging way to focus on your own wellness.
Will you help me figure out what that looks like? Go to this survey and tell me all the things--I want to hear what would be amazing for you. The survey is anonymous unless you write in your name and contact info in the final question. This thing is going to fill up fast so if you are at all interested, answer that question so I know to prioritize your interest.
This could be you at sunrise, contemplating the beginning of something beautiful:
Leave the shoveling for just a bit.
Also, I've taken to calling this retreat Your One-Page-Wellness Plan--that gives you an idea of what we'll be leaving with at the end of the time together. What do you think of that name? You can tell me in the survey when you click here.
Ooohhhh...see, I'm already looking forward--it's working! So excited.
I hope you are too.
Dreaming with you of beaches and warmth and transformation,
Anne 💚