Introducing TGIF: The Great Intention For...
Sep 16, 2022
by Anne O'Connor
Tonight, I want to start a Friday night tradition for the Metamorphix community--a community I want to build and bolster over the coming years. If you're here--thanks!
This week and I came across something that stopped me in my tracks. How could I have not seen one yet this year and we're already in mid-September?
I appreciated this glorious thing and then I snapped a photo--something I often do. Sometimes, I send the photo to someone I love or I save it for a birthday present on a friend's page.
We've all heard the expression to "stop and smell the roses" but the reality is that there's a lot of steps that go into that simple act of appreciation.
Our minds need to be practiced in slowing down and noticing. We also have to train our minds to appreciate. An untrained mind will more often go to problematic thinking--seeing problems and ugliness.
Of course our world is full of problems and ugliness. It is also full of exquisite beauty and gasp-inducing kindnesses. It is full of ingenuity and cleverness. It is full of creativity and fascination.
Tonight, I want to begin a little thing--a game we can play together. Let's call it TGIF...yes, on a Friday. But let's call this one The Great Intention For...
I'll start us off and set an intention for the weekend. I'll include a photo of something that can spark your idea for the intention. And then you find a photo throughout the weekend and post it with your intention and what it means to you.
You'll find the post on my Facebook or Instagram--go check it out and join in!
Look, the reality is that if we don't set an intention of what we're aiming for or where we're going, we'll end up any-old-where. I've been there so many times.
Now I am more likely to set my course--and my mind--and the ride is more life-giving and fun.
Thanks for being a part of the Metamorphix community and helping to get this fun little game up and running. I can't wait to see what you all do...
You are going to go check it out, right?